Notice Type
Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Notice Title

Notice Pursuant to Section 114 of the Land Transfer Act 2017

Publication Date
24 Jul 2024


Land Transfer Act Land Registrar notices Southland

Notice Number


The applicant described below has applied under section 114 of the Land Transfer Act 2017 for the extinguishment of a profit à prendre. The applicant claims the profit à prendre is extinguished by reason of the grounds set out below.

An entry that the profit à prendre has extinguished will be made on the record of title if no objection is received by 21 August 2024. A person who claims to have an interest under the profit à prendre may object by giving written notice to the Registrar-General of Land before that date.

Application Number: 12955963.1

Land Registration District: Southland

Applicant: Passionate Permies Limited, c/- Ward Adams Bryan Lamb Solicitors, PO Box 32, Invercargill 9840.

Profits à Prendre: Forestry Right over Section 2 Block XIV Waiau Survey District in Record of Title SL10A/195 granted to Justin George Reid and Patricia Mary Reid created by Agreement 5159071.4 registered on 22 February 2002.

Grounds: The profit à prendre is extinguished because an event specified in the profits à prendre has occurred that has brought it to an end, being the completion of harvesting of the crops on the land.

Dated at Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand, Christchurch this 18th day of July 2024.

BRONWEN FARR, for Registrar-General of Land.