Notice Type
Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Notice Title

Notice Pursuant to Section 114 Land Transfer Act 2017

Publication Date
19 Apr 2024


Land Transfer Act Land Registrar notices North Auckland

Notice Number


The applicant described below has applied under section 114 of the Land Transfer Act 2017 for the removal of an Easement at North Auckland. The applicant claims the easement is redundant by reason of the circumstances set out below.

I intend to remove the easement on 24 May 2024 if no objections have been received before that date. You may object by giving notice to the Registrar-General of Land.

Application Number: 12868334.1

Applicant: Auckland Council, C/- Eke Panuku Development Auckland, PO Box 90343, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142. Attention: Gulina Monroe

Easement: Right of way (in gross) over Lot 16 DP 21520, Lot 2 DP 200295 and Section 2 SO 552063 in favour of Kaiapoi Woollen Manufacturing Company Limited and right of way (in gross) over Lot 16 DP 21520 and Lot 2 DP 200295 in favour of Northern Automobiles Limited both in Record of Title (RT) 1049853 and right of way (in gross) over Sections 1 and 3 SO 552063 in favour of Kaiapoi Woollen Manufacturing Company Limited in RT 1038105 all created by Transfer 674079 registered 30.1.1962 at 10.40am.

Circumstances: Extinguished because an event specified in the document creating the easement has occurred and brought it to an end, being the expiry of Leases 23227, 23228 and 20988 and the Leases having not been renewed.

Dated at Land Information New Zealand, Christchurch this 19th day of April 2024.

C. M. SHANNON, for Registrar General of Land.