Notice Type
Incorporated Societies
Notice Title


Publication Date
5 Jun 2024


Industrial and Provident Societies Act Dissolution of societies

Notice Number


Notice of Intended Dissolution

Industrial and Provident Society No.: 210035

Pursuant to section 15(c)(v) of the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1908, I hereby give notice that I have received an instrument of dissolution for THE HAMILTON TAXI SOCIETY LIMITED.

Unless, within three months from the date of the New Zealand Gazette in which this notice appears, a member or other person interested in or having any claim on the funds of this society commences proceedings in the District Court in or near to Auckland, where the society has its registered office, to set aside its dissolution and such dissolution is set aside, this society will be legally dissolved from that date.

Notice of any such proceeding is to be sent to the Registrar of Industrial and Provident Societies at Level 1, Kordia Building, 162 Victoria Street West, Auckland 1010, or by post to Private Bag 92061, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142, or by email at, not less than seven days before such proceeding is commenced.

Dated this 5th day of June 2024.

SANJAI RAJ, Registrar of Industrial and Provident Societies.