Notice Type
Notice Title

Notice of Vesting of Property Under Section 324 of the Companies Act 1993—Various Companies

Publication Date
7 Jun 2024


Companies Act Vesting of property The Treasury

Notice Number


I, Glenn Paul Tootill, Senior Solicitor, acting under delegated authority from the Secretary to the Treasury, hereby give notice that on 31 May 2024 I first became aware that the Crown was vested under section 324(1) of the Companies Act 1993, by virtue of the removal of the companies listed below from the Register of Companies, with the rights to funds held by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC).

Name of Removed Company Date of Removal Amount (NZD)
Installer Services (Hutt Valley) Limited (979253) 15/8/2019 $66.69
C.E. Sports Limited (452263) 22/9/2001 $283.12

These funds will be transferred to the Treasury. Any person claiming an interest in the funds held for the above companies should contact the Legal Team at the Treasury by email to: or by post to the Treasury, PO Box 3724, Wellington 6140.

Dated at Hamilton this 31st day of May 2024.

GLENN PAUL TOOTILL, Senior Solicitor.