Notice Type
Appointment/Release of Administrators
Notice Title

B A ELECTRICAL BLENHEIM LIMITED (trading as Laser Electrical Blenheim) (subject to deed of company arrangement)

Publication Date
8 Aug 2024


Companies Act Administrations

Notice Number


Notice to Creditors of Execution of Deed of Company Arrangement

Pursuant to Section 239ADY of the Companies Act 1993

Company Number: 1605217

Execution of Deed

Creditors are notified that a deed of company arrangement (“DOCA”) was executed on 7 August 2024. A full copy of the DOCA is available by emailing the deed administrator.

General Notes

Enquiries for information relating to this voluntary administration should be made to Geoff Falloon, Biz Rescue Limited, Business Recovery and Insolvency Specialists, PO Box 27, Nelson 7040. Telephone: (027) 332 6759. Email:

Dated this 8th day of August 2024.

GEOFF FALLOON, Deed Administrator.