Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Leasehold Interest Taken for Soil Conservation and River Control Purposes—RiverLink

Publication Date
28 Jun 2023


Other Cities Public Works Act Hutt

Notice Number

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The Rt Hon Dame CINDY KIRO,


A Proclamation

Pursuant to section 26 of the Public Works Act 1981, I, The Right Honourable Dame Cindy Kiro, Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby declare the leasehold interest held by Gooder Equipment Company Limited (“lessee”) pursuant to an unregistered lease dated 1 March 2017 with a final expiry date of 28 February 2027 (“lease”), in respect of the land described in the Schedule (“land”) to be taken for soil conservation and river control purposes on the 14th day after the date of the publication of this Proclamation in the New Zealand Gazette.

Wellington Land Registration District—Hutt City


0.0871 hectares being Lot 1 DP 42226 (Record of Title WN13D/852).

The land is located at 67 Marsden Street, Lower Hutt.

Given under the hand of Her Excellency the Governor-General of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand this 22nd day of June 2023.

Hon DAMIEN O’CONNOR, Minister for Land Information.

God Save The King!

(LINZ CPC/2006/11414/B)