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Customs (Trade Single Window Inward Cargo Report) Rules 2017

Publication Date
31 Oct 2017


Customs and Excise Act Rules New Zealand Customs Service

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Pursuant to section 288(1)(aa) of the Customs and Excise Act 1996, the Chief Executive hereby makes the following rules prescribing the form and manner in which inward cargo reports under section 21A of that Act are to be made when using the Trade Single Window computer system, including the particulars to be provided.


1. Title, Commencement, Application and Purpose

  1. These rules may be cited as the Customs (Trade Single Window Inward Cargo Report) Rules 2017.
  2. These rules shall apply for the purposes of prescribing the form, content and manner of inward cargo reports given to Customs when using the Trade Single Window.
  3. These rules shall come into force on 30 November 2017.

Notes on the Customs (Inward Cargo Report) Rules 2014

Until the submission of inward cargo reports through the Trade Single Window is mandated by Customs, submitters can elect to continue to use the existing legacy electronic message format E4 for submitting such reports. If they choose to do so, then the Customs (Inward Cargo Report) Rules 2014 will apply to those reports.

2. Interpretation

In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:

  1. The term “the Act” means the Customs and Excise Act 1996.
  2. The term “Trade Single Window” means a computer system that forms part of the JBMS.
  3. Any terms used in these rules which are defined in Section 2 of the Act shall have the meanings given to them by that section.

3. Form, content, and manner of submitting inward cargo reports when using the Trade Single Window.

  1. Any report required in relation to commercial cargo under section 21A of the Act and made using the Trade Single Window shall contain the particulars specified in Schedule 1.
  2. All reports made using the Trade Single Window shall be submitted electronically using the message format specified in Schedule 2.

Schedule 1

General Requirements


  1. All fields in the report must be completed unless otherwise stated below.
  2. A single report can only cover cargo to be imported on a single vessel or flight on a single date. A separate report must be made where more than one vessel/flight or date is involved.
  3. Reference in this schedule to a “UN/LOCODE Port Code” means the five-character port code set out in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Trade Facilitation Code Lists. The codes can be accessed from the UNECE website location

Field Requirements


Message Type


Insert in this field the code “ICR” standing for “Inward cargo report”.

Senders Reference Number


Insert in this field a unique alphanumeric identifier of no more than 14 characters.


  1. This field is used as a means of identifying a submitter's Inward Cargo Report within TSW.
  2. The unique alphanumeric identifier should therefore be from the submitter's own administrative system.

Transaction Type


Insert in this field the code “9” standing for “Original”.

Submitter Code


Insert in this field the identification code issued by TSW to the person or company that is transmitting the report.

Declarant Code


Insert the declarant client code issued by TSW for the person making the declaration. This is required where a write-off is requested.


  1. Whenever a message requires a Declarant code to be transmitted, authentication will be used to ensure the integrity of the data can be received by TSW before it is processed.

Declarant Contact Details


Insert contact details for the declarant, this can be one or a combination of telephone number, fax number, cell phone number or email address up to 50 characters for each contact type. At least one means of communication must be provided.

Craft Name/Flight number


  1. When making a report for craft arriving by sea, insert in this field up to 30 characters, in order, of the registered name of the vessel for which the report is being made.
  2. When making a report for craft arriving by air, insert in this field up to 7 characters, the flight number allocated to the aircraft arrival for which the report is being made.

Transport Mode


  1. Insert in this field the mode of transport of the craft for which the report is being made.
  2. Insert the code “1” for sea transport or the code “4” for air transport.

Date of Arrival


Insert in this field the date on which the vessel or aircraft, for which the report is being made, is expected to arrive at its first New Zealand port. The date must be stated in the format CCYYMMDD, where “ccyy” represents the year, “mm” represents the sequential number of the month in the year, and “dd” represents the day of the month.

Date of Arrival Date Format Code


Insert in this field the code “102” standing for the “CCYYMMDD” date format.

Port of Arrival


Insert the UN/LOCODE Port Code for the New Zealand port at which the vessel or aircraft for which the report is being made is expected to first arrive.

Voyage Number


Insert in this field the voyage number, up to 9 characters, of the vessel arrival for which the report is being made. This is required for craft arriving by sea only.


  1. The voyage number that identifies the particular voyage of the vessel concerned. The voyage number may be obtained from the shipping company or agent.
  2. When goods are imported by air, this field should be left blank.

Carrier Cargo Report Indicator


If the report is made by a Carrier, in accordance with section 21 of the Customs and Excise Act 1996, insert the carrier cargo report indicator.


Either Carrier Code OR Carrier Name must be stated.

Carrier Name


Insert in this field up to 70 characters, the full name of the transporting carrier for which the report is being made.


For the purposes of this requirement, “transporting carrier” means the principal shipping company or airline that has leased or chartered the vessel or aircraft for the journey to New Zealand, or where no lease or charter exists, the shipping line or airline in whose name the vessel or aircraft is registered. This field should be provided when the Cargo Report is submitted by a Deconsolidator.

Carrier Code


Insert in this field the identification/client code issued by TSW for the Carrier. This is required where the Cargo report is submitted by the Carrier.



  1. Separate consignment details are required for each consignment carried on the craft that is destined for New Zealand, or that is to be transhipped in New Zealand for export.

Consignment Number


For each consignment carried on the craft, insert in this field a unique sequential number, starting with the number “1”.

Consignment Value


Insert in this field the total value of the consignment items for the consignment in NZ dollars. This is required where a low value write-off is requested.

Currency code


Insert in this field the code “NZD” standing for the “NZ Dollars” currency. This is required where a low value write-off is requested.

Write-off request indicator


If the consignment is requested to be cleared as a “write off” that is exempt from the requirement for an Import Declaration, insert the write-off request indicator.


Write-off can only be requested when the consignment is not a consolidation i.e. house bill equivalent details for consignor, consignee, goods description and value are provided.

Consolidation indicator


If the consignment is a consolidation and the house bill equivalent data is unavailable to the Carrier, insert the consolidation indicator.


Consolidations are not eligible for write-off or domestic transhipment.

Domestic Transhipment Request (DTR) Indicator


If requesting the transfer under Customs control of a consignment to the premises specified in the Domestic Transit Destination field pending import clearance, insert the Domestic Transhipment request indicator.


Domestic transhipment can only be requested at house bill equivalent level, not consolidations.

International Transhipment Request (ITR) Indicator


  1. If reporting by air and requesting the transfer under Customs control of a consignment to the premises specified in the International Transit Destination field pending export loading, insert the International Transhipment request indicator.
  2. If reporting by sea and requesting the transfer under Customs control of a consignment to the premises specified in the International Transit Destination field pending export loading, insert the International Transhipment request indicator and the outward voyage details consisting of: craft name, transport mode code, departure date (CCYYMMDD) and voyage number e.g. AOTEA,1,20160125,23N.

Mode of Transport for Transfer


Insert the mode of transport for the transfer under Customs control of the consignment. This is required for all DTR and ITR consignments.

Use one of the following code values:

  • 1O = Sea (Overseas vessel)
  • 1C = Sea (Coastal vessel)
  • 2 = Rail
  • 3 = Road
  • 4= Air
  • 6 = Multimodal

Repack Indicator


If the consignment is to be repacked into sub-consignments that will ultimately require different clearance processes (e.g. part destined for NZ, part destined for overseas), insert the Repack Indicator.

MPI Container Declaration


  1. If reporting by sea, insert MPI Container Declaration details for the sea container(s) used to transport goods within a consignment. The format for the MPI Container Declaration details for each container consists of: container number, MCD response (e.g. ABCU1234560,YYNNN).
  2. This is not required for empty containers or air containers (ULDs).


Where container declaration details are unknown the MCD code should still be sent but the YN portion of the text should be left blank (e.g. ABCU1234560,).

Master Bill number


If the consignment is part of a consolidation, insert the Master Bill number for the consolidation.


Either Consignee Code OR Consignee Name and Address must be stated.

Consignee Name


For each consignment insert the name, up to 70 characters, of the consignee as specified on the transport document.

Consignee Address


For each consignment insert the address of the consignee as specified on the transport document.

Consignee Code


For each consignment insert the identification code issued by TSW for the Consignee.

Consignor Name


For each consignment insert the name, up to 70 characters, of the consignor as specified on the transport document.

Consignor Address


For each consignment insert the address of the consignor as specified on the transport document.

Deliver to Party Name


For each consignment insert the name, up to 70 characters, of the party that the goods will be delivered to. This is required where the goods are being delivered to a party different from the consignee.

Deliver to Party Address


Insert the address of the party to which the goods are to be delivered to. This is required where the Deliver to Party Name is provided.

Transitional Facility code


If requesting movement of an empty container to an approved Transitional Facility, insert the identification code issued by TSW for the Transitional facility.

Shipment Port of Origin code


Insert the UN/LOCODE Port Code in country from which the goods were initially dispatched.

Location of Goods


  1. When making a report for craft arriving by air, insert the identification code issued by TSW for the Cargo Terminal Operator (CTO), deconsolidator or freight forwarder premises responsible for the consignment. This is required for all consignments arriving by air.
  2. When making a report for craft arriving by sea, insert the identification code issued by TSW for the place at which the goods are located or optionally, if at a New Zealand port, insert the UN/LOCODE for the port. This is required if the current location of goods is different to the place of discharge.
  3. This is not required for Freight Remaining on Board.


  1. This code will be sent Border Agency delivery authorisation when further movement (DTR / ITR) or writeoff has been approved.

Port of Loading Code


Insert the UN/LOCODE for the overseas port of loading of the consignment.

Transhipment Place code


Insert the UN/LOCODE port code(s) through which the goods were transhipped as part of their journey to New Zealand.

Domestic Transhipment location / International Transhipment location


  1. When making a report for craft arriving by air, insert the premises code (CCA/TF) issued by TSW for the destination location of the Domestic or International Transhipment movement Request (e.g. transfers under Customs control prior to clearance (DTR) or export (ITR)).
  2. When making a report for craft arriving by sea, insert the premises code (CCA/TF) issued by TSW for the destination location of the Domestic or International Transhipment movement Request or optionally, if at a New Zealand port, insert the UN/LOCODE for the port.
  3. This is required for Domestic or International Transhipment Requests.


  1. This code will be sent the Border Agency movement authorisation when approved.

Bill Number


Insert in this field the serial number of the bill or way bill for the consignment.

Bill Type


Insert the bill of lading type of the Bill Number.

Use one of the following code values:

  • BM = Bill of Lading
  • MB = Master Bill
  • HWB = House Way Bill


Either Deconsolidator Code OR Deconsolidator Name is required for consolidated consignments.

Deconsolidator Name


Insert the name, up to 70 characters, of the party that will deconsolidate the consignment.

Deconsolidator Code


Insert the identification code issued by TSW for the deconsolidator.

Port of discharge


Insert the UN/LOCODE for the port at which the goods are to be unloaded.

Date/Time of arrival at place of discharge


  1. If the Inward Cargo Reports are lodged pre arrival, state the estimated date and time of arrival at the port of discharge.
  2. If the Inward Cargo Reports are lodged post arrival, state the actual date and time of arrival at the port of discharge.

Date/Time of Arrival at Place of Discharge Date format code


Insert code value 203 for date format “CCYYMMDDHHMM”.



  1. These fields are required to be completed for the sea containers that have been packed with goods covered by the consignment.
  2. If the consignment concerns empty sea containers, these fields are also required for any empty sea containers covered by the consignment.
  3. These fields are also required when goods are being transported “off airport” in an air container, or where sea containers are transported by air.

Sequence Number


  1. Insert a sequential number for each container item, starting with the number “1”.
  2. A sequence number is also required for empty containers.

Container Size / Type code


  1. If reporting by air, leave blank as not required for air containers (ULDs)
  2. If reporting by sea, state the size and type of container using UN/EDIFACT 8155 Equipment size and type description codes OR ISO 6346 Container size and type codes.

Container Status


Insert the code for the container status.

Use one of the following codes:

  • 4 = Empty
  • 5 = Full
  • 7 = Full, contains multiple Less than Container Load consignments
  • 8 = Bulk

Attached Equipment


Insert the code value for the equipment attached to the container. This is required where equipment is attached to the container.

Use one of the following code values:

  • RG = Reefer generator
  • BL = Blocks
  • LAR = Lashing rope
  • RO = Rope
  • STR = Strap
  • TP = Tarpaulin
  • TS = Tackles
  • AB = Chain
  • PA = Pallet

Container Number


  1. Insert the container number.
  2. Format the number as one continuous string with the prefix, identification and check number. Do not include any empty spaces.


  1. e.g. ABCU1234560



  1. These fields are required to be completed for each sealed container.
  2. Separate seal details are required for each seal on a container.

Seal Sequence Number


Insert a sequential number for each seal, starting with the number “1”. This is required for sealed containers.

Seal Number


Insert the serial number of the seal.



  1. A separate consignment item is required for each consignment number, and for each different type of goods within the consignment, if there is more than one type of goods.
  2. Further separate consignment items are required for each type of packaging in which goods are packaged, if there is more than one packaging type.
  3. A separate consignment item is required for each empty container.

Consignment Item number


Insert a sequential number for each consignment item, starting with the number “1”.

Cargo Description


Insert a plain language description, up to 250 characters, of the goods.

Item Value and Currency Code


Insert in this field the value of the consignment item and currency code in which it is expressed in. This is required where low value write-off is requested.

Identity Number


Insert the unique number used to identify the goods. This is required where motor vehicles, animals or used machinery goods are present.

Identity type


Insert the identity type code of the identity number used for the goods. This is required where motor vehicles, animals or used machinery goods are present.

Use one of the following code values:

  • VV = Vehicle Identification Number
  • CN = Chassis Number
  • BN = Serial Number
  • CX = Identification Tag
  • CY = Identification Tattoo
  • MC = Microchip

Gross Weight item level


  1. Insert in this field the total gross weight in kilograms of the goods covered by the consignment item rounded to the nearest full kilogram, excluding the weight of the shipping container or airfreight ULD when the goods are being transported in these.
  2. This is not required for empty containers.

Measurement unit


Insert in this field the code “KGM” standing for the “kilogram” units. This is required where Gross Weight item level is provided.

Origin code


  1. Insert in this field the 2 character country code of the origin of the goods. This is required where low value write-off is requested.
  2. Use the ISO 3166 codes to populate this field (2 alpha country code).

Packaging Sequence number


Insert “1” into this field. This is required for consignment items that are not for empty containers.

Number of Packages


  1. Insert into this field the quantity of the type of package mentioned in the “Type of Packages” field. This is required for consignment items that are not for empty containers.
  2. For bulk cargo or bulk containers the number of packages must be shown as “1”

Type of Packages


  1. For goods other than empty shipping containers, insert the code set out in the UN/ECE Recommendation 21 Annex VI.
  2. Where the consignment item relates to an empty shipping container, leave this field blank.


  1. The package type codes are available from UNECE website location
  2. For bulk cargo or bulk containers the package type must be of the bulk kind (e.g. VL – bulk liquid)

Container Number


  1. If reporting by sea, insert the container number for all goods transported in a sea container. This is also required for empty containers.
  2. If reporting by air, insert the unit load device (ULD) number where goods are being transported “off airport” in an air container.
  3. Multiple containers must be itemised as separate Consignment items.



  1. These fields are required to be completed for each consignment item that contains hazardous goods.
  2. Separate classification details are required for each hazardous goods type in a consignment item.



  1. If dangerous goods are present in the consignment item, insert the United Nations Dangerous Goods codes for the goods.
  2. The code must be inserted as a single string without any separators. Do not use dots or spaces.

Classification type


  1. If dangerous goods are present in the consignment item, insert the code value “SSO” standing for “United Nations Dangerous Goods list”.

Schedule 2



Message Type

Senders Reference Number

Transaction Type

Submitter Code

Declarant code

Declarant Contact details

Craft Name/Flight number

Transport Mode

Date of Arrival

Date of Arrival Date format code

Port of Arrival

Voyage Number

Carrier Cargo Report indicator

Carrier name

Carrier code


Consignment number

Consignment Value

Currency code

Write-off request indicator

Consolidation indicator

Domestic Transhipment Request (DTR) Indicator

International Transhipment Request (ITR) Indicator

Mode of Transport for Transfer

Repack Indicator

MPI Container Declaration

Master Bill number

Consignee Name

Consignee Address

Consignee Code

Consignor Name

Consignor Address

Deliver to Party Name

Deliver to Party Address

Transitional Facility code

Shipment Port of Origin code

Location of Goods

Port of Loading code

Transhipment Place code

Domestic Transhipment location / International Transhipment location

Bill Number

Bill Type

Deconsolidator Name

Deconsolidator Code

Port of discharge

Date/Time of arrival at place of discharge

Date/Time of Arrival at Place of Discharge Date format code


Sequence Number

Container Size / Type code

Container Status

Attached Equipment

Container Number


Seal Sequence Number

Seal Number


Consignment Item number

Cargo Description

Item Value and Currency Code

Identity Number

Identity Type

Gross Weight Item Level

Measurement unit

Origin code

Packaging Sequence number

Number of Packages

Type of Packages

Container Number



Classification Type

Dated at Wellington this 25th day of October 2017.

CAROLYN TREMAIN, Comptroller of Customs.

Notice Under Section 288(7) of the Act

Copies of these rules are available for inspection on the Customs Service website at or at any of the following Customs Offices:

Auckland – The Customhouse, 50 Anzac Avenue, Auckland Central, Auckland 1010

Wellington – The Customhouse, 1 Hinemoa Street, Harbour Quays, Wellington

Christchurch – The Customhouse, 6 Orchard Road, Christchurch Airport, Christchurch 8053

Dunedin – The Customhouse, 32 Portsmouth Drive, South Dunedin, Dunedin 9012

Copies of these rules may be purchased from the New Zealand Customs Service, Private Bag 1928, Dunedin 9054.