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Approval of Blue Light Ventures Incorporated as Sponsor of Blue Light Senior Boys High School Establishment Notice

Publication Date
20 Jul 2017


Education Act School establishment / sponsors Education

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Pursuant to section 158B of the Education Act 1989, I hereby give the following notice.


  1. I hereby approve Blue Light Ventures Incorporated to be a sponsor of a Partnership School Kura Hourua.
  2. The name of the sponsor’s school is Blue Light Senior Boys High School.
  3. The sponsor’s school will be located in the Wairakei area.
  4. Blue Light Senior Boys High School will be a male-only residential secondary school.
  5. Education at Blue Light Senior Boys High School will be given for class levels 11–13.
  6. Blue Light Senior Boys High School is permitted to provide religious instruction to students.
  7. Blue Light Senior Boys High School will operate with the following aims, purposes and objectives:
    1. The sponsor’s vision for the school is:
      1. a residential college with a unique and innovative approach to secondary schooling for students who are most at risk of failing and are within New Zealand’s priority learner category (Māori and Pasifika);
      2. a strong focus on understanding of Aronga (Māori world view), teaching tikanga and creating a culturally responsive learning environment along with building the knowledge of the students’ own whakapapa through experiential marae-based learning; and
      3. bringing students into a setting with wide-ranging opportunities for learning through adventure-based activities and authentic learning activities, many of which will be community based.
    2. The sponsor’s objective for the school is:
      1. Students will fully engage in their own futures and become empowered to make the most of their opportunities;
      2. to build self-worth (manaakitanga) and belonging (ukaipotanga) amongst students as a framework for their achievement; and
      3. to instil security and build self-confidence, self-esteem, a sense of pride and achievement in Māori and Pasifika youth in their education pathway, identities, language, and culture.
  8. This notice shall come into force the day after its publication in the New Zealand Gazette.

Dated at Wellington this 10th day of July 2017.

Hon NIKKI KAYE, Minister of Education.