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Notice of Issue of a Ban on the Installation and/or Repair of Foil Insulation in Residential Buildings with an Existing Electrical Installation

Publication Date
30 Jun 2016


Building Act Compliance document notices Business, Innovation and Employment

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Pursuant to section 26 of the Building Act 2004, I give notice that the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (“Ministry”) has declared a ban on the following building methods:

  • The installation of foil insulation into residential buildings with an existing electrical installation (retrofitting foil insulation); and
  • the repair of foil insulation in residential buildings with an existing electrical installation (for example, stapling ripped or damaged foil back onto the floor joists of a building).

The ban comes into force on 1 July 2016, and will remain in place until amended or revoked by the Ministry.

It does not apply to any building work for which a building consent has been issued prior to the date on which the ban comes into force.

The Ministry has consulted on the ban in accordance with section 29 of the Building Act 2004.

A copy of the ban is available to download from the Ministry’s website

Dated at Wellington this 30th day of June 2016.

ANNA BUTLER, General Manager Building System Performance, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.