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Specification of Format and Content of Documents of Compliance

Documents of Compliance for Heavy Vehicle Specialist Certifications
Pursuant to sections 10.4 (g) and 2.7 (5) (b) of Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards Compliance 1998 ("the Rule"), and under an authority delegated to me by the Director of Land Transport Safety, I, Alison Claire Barrett, Manager Operations Support, specify the format and information content required in respect of the following documents of compliance:
Heavy Vehicle Compliance Certificate
Documents of compliance issued in respect of specialist certification for heavy motor vehicles in respect of any of the categories listed in section 2.4 (2) (b) of the Rule must be a pre-printed form with a unique pre-printed number, dimensions 29.5 centimetres x 19.5 centimetres and, otherwise, of the format and containing the information specified in the attached Schedule.
Statement of Design Compliance
Documents of compliance issued as Statements of Design Compliance by specialist certifiers for heavy motor vehicles in respect of any of the categories listed in section 2.4 (2) (b) must contain all that information listed under the heading "Specialist certification at page 770 of the notice in
New Zealand Gazette, 11 March 1999, No. 30, page 769, entitled "Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards Compliance 1998, Approval and Specification of Records of Certification". For convenience, that information is reproduced below, as follows:
"Documents of compliance for the purpose of specialist certification (including any of the purposes listed in section 2.4 (2) (b) of Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards Compliance 1998):
1. Must include the name and signature of the certifier and the date of certification;
2. Must have a format comprising sections with information relevant to the class of motor vehicle, the vehicle description, vehicle identifiers, and certification;
3. Must include information relevant to the purpose of specialist certification (for example modifications; repair; vehicle dimensions; matters relevant to the structure, systems, components or equipment of a vehicle, or installation or use of a vehicle's structure, systems, components or equipment: alternative fuel system; age or historic nature of a vehicle, class of vehicle; or any other attribute of a vehicle);
4. Must confirm that the vehicle, or any aspect of it relevant to the purpose of specialist certification, complies with applicable requirements as specified in Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards Compliance 1998; and
5. May include other relevant details."
In addition to the previous information, the Document of Compliance must also include drawing number(s) and the following statement:
"I declare that I am a Heavy Vehicle Specialist Certifier - Engineer and I hold a current valid appointment. I certify that this vehicle component design and this certification comply in all respects with the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards Compliance 1998; my Deed of Appointment and applicable requirements. To the best of my knowledge the information contained in this certificate is true and correct."

Dated at Wellington this 21st day of August 2000.
ALISON CLAIRE BARRETT, Manager Operations Support.