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Vice Regal
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Proclamation of Accession

The following Proclamation was publicly made on Sunday, 11 September 2022, on the steps of Parliament Buildings, Wellington, in the presence of the Prime Minister, dignitaries and members of the public:


Cindy Kiro



Whereas by the death of our late beloved Sovereign Queen Elizabeth the Second, the Crown is solely and rightfully come to His Royal Highness Prince Charles Philip Arthur George:

We, therefore, The Right Honourable Dame Cindy Kiro, Governor-General of New Zealand, The Right Honourable Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand, and Members of the Executive Council, assisted by members of Parliament, Judges, Representatives of the Realm, and numerous other representative citizens here present, hereby proclaim that His Royal Highness Prince Charles Philip Arthur George is now King Charles the Third, By the Grace of God King of New Zealand and of His Other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, to whom His subjects swear their faith and true allegiance, with hearty affection; wishing His Majesty King Charles the Third a long and happy reign.

Given under the hand of Her Excellency the Governor-General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 11th day of September 2022.

Jacinda Ardern

Prime Minister.



Cindy Kiro

Te Kāwana-Tianara


Nā te matenga o tō tātou Ariki Tapairu e tino arohaina ana, o Kuini Irihāpeti te Tuarua, ka tika kia whakatauria ai te Karauna ki Te Mana Ariki, ki a Charles Philip Arthur George:

Nā reira ko tā mātou, ko Te Hōnore Nui Cindy Kiro, te Kāwana-Tianara o Aotearoa, Ko Te Hōnore Nui Jacinda Ardern, te Pirimia o Aotearoa, ko ngā Mema o te Kaunihera Matua, i te taha o ngā mema Pāremata, o ngā Kaiwhakawā, o ngā Māngai o te Karauna, o ētahi atu Māngai Kirirarau tokomaha ko tā mātou he pānui atu i te aupikinga o Te Mana Whare Ariki Charles Philip Arthur George kia Kīngi Tiāre te Tuatoru, i runga i te Atawhai o te Atua, ko Ia te Kīngi o Aotearoa me Ērā Atu o Ōna Whenua, Rohe hoki, ko Ia te Upoko o te Kotahitanga o Ngā Whenua i Raro i Tōna Maru, ko Ia te Kaipupuri i te Mana o te Hāhi Mihingare; ko tā Ōna iwi he oati i te whakapono me te tautoko mutunga kore, ka nui te maioha ki Te Arikinui Kīngi Tiāre te Tuatoru, me te wawata kia roa, kia hari nui tana noho hei Kīngi.

He pānui tēnei nā te ringa o Te Kahurangi Kāwana-Tianara, e tukuna ana i raro i te mana o te Hīra o Aotearoa, i tēnei rā, te 11 o Hepetema, 2022.

Jacinda Ardern

Te Pirimia.